Abkürzungen in der Seefahrt und Navigation

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Abkürzungen, die in der Seefahrt und Navigation sowie beim Seefunk, Lotsendienst, Schiffsverkehrsdienst und im Hafenbetrieb benutzt werden


AAIC Accounting Authoity Identification Code
AERO Aero nautical light (Luftfahrtfeuer)
AHP Above Head of Passes
AIS Automatic Identification System (Automatisches Identifikationssystem)
ALC Articulated Loading Column
ALP Articulated Loading Platform
AM Amplitude Modulation
AMVER Automated Mutal Assistance Vessel Rescue System
AOH After Office Hours
AOR-E Atlantic Ocean region (East)
AOR-W Atlantic Ocean region (West)
ASL Archipelagic Sea Lane
ATBA Area to be Avoided
ATLAS Autonomous Temperature Line Acquisition System


BBC British Broadcasting Corporation
BC-Code Code of safe practice for Solid Bulk Cargo
Bcst Broadcast
Bn Beacon
BOA Beam Over All
brg Bearing


CALDOVREP A mandatory ship reporting system for the Dover Strait TSS
CALM Caneary Anchor Leg Mooring
CBM Conventional Buoy Mooring
CBT Clean Ballast Tanks
CDC Certain Dangerous Cargo
CERS Consolidated European Reporting System
CES Coast Earth Station
CG Coastguard
CGOC Coastguard Operations Centre
CHA Competent Harbour Authority
CLC Certificate of Liability Cover
CNIS Channel Navigation Information Service
COTP Captain of the Port
CRS Coast Radio Station
CVTS Co-operative Vessel Traffic System


DART Deep-ocean Assessment and Reporting Tsunamis
DF Direction Finding
DG Degaussing
DGON Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ortung und Navigation
DGPS Differential Global Positioning System
Dir Lt Direction Light (Leitfeuer)
DMA DynamicManagement Area
DNV Deutscher Nautischer Verein
DPG Dangerous and Polluting Goods
DR Dead Reckoning
DSC Digital Selective Calling
DSHA Dangerous Substancesin Harbour Areas
DST Daylight Saving Time
DW Deep Water
dwt deadweight tonnage
DZ Danger Zone


E east (easterly, eastward, eastern, easternmost)
ECDIS Electronic Chart Display and Information System
EEZ Exlusive Economic Zone (Ausschließliche Wirtschaftszone)
ELSBM Exposed Location Single Buoy Mooring
EMSA European Maritime Safety Agency
ENC Electronic Navigational Chart
ENE East-North-East
EPIRB Emergency Position-Indicating Radio Beacon
ESE East-South-East
ESSA Environmentally Sensitive Sea Area
ETA Estimated time of Arrival
ETD Estimated time of Departure
exting Extinguished (Gelöscht)


F Fixed (Festfeuer)
FAD Fish Aggregating Device
FDPSO Floating, Drilling, Production, Storage and Offloading
feu forty foot equivalent unit
Fl Flashing (Blitzfeuer)
FM Frequency Modulation
FPSO Floating, Production, Storage and Offloading
FPU Floating Production Unit
Front Lt Unterfeuer
FSO Flating, Storage and Offloading
ft foot (feet)


GMDSS Global Maritim Distress and Safty System
GMT Greenwich Mean Time
GPS Global Positioning System
GRP Glass Reinforced Plastic
grt gross register tonnage
gt gross tonnage


HAT Highest Astronomical Tide (Höchstmöglicher Gezeitenwasserstand)
HF High Frequency
HFPB High Focal Plane Buoy
hm hectometre
HMCG Her Majesty's Coastguard
HMS Her Majesty's Ship
HN Night service only
hp horse power
hPa hectopascal
Hr Mr Harbour Master
HSC High-Speed Craft
HW High Water


IALA International Association of Lighthouse Authorities
IBC Code International Bulk Carriers Code
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation
Ident Identification Signal
IGC Code International Gas Carriers Code
IHO International Hydrographic Organization
IMB International Maritime Bureau
IMDG International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code
IMN Immarsat Mobile Number
IMO International Maritime Organization
IMSO International Mobile Satelilite Organization
INF Code International code for the safe carriage of Irradiated Nuclear Fuel
IOPP International Oil Pollution Prevention
IOR Indian Ocean Region
Iso Isophase (Gleichtaktfeuer)
ISPS International Ship and Port Facility Security Code
ISSC International Ship Security Certificate
ITCZ Intertropical Convergence Zone
ITU International Telecommunication Union
ITZ Inshore Traffic Zone


JCG Japan Coast Guard
JRCC Joint Rescue Co-ordination Centre


kHz kilohertz
kn knots
kW kilowatt


LANBY Large Automatic Navigation Buoy
LAT Lowest Astronimical Tide (Niedrigstmöglicher Gezeitenwasserstand)
LBP Length Between Perpendiculars
Ldg Leading (Richtfeuer)
LES Land Earth Station
LF Low Frequency
LFl Long Flash (Blinkfeuer)
LHG Liquefied Hazardous Gas
LMT Local Mean Time
LNG Liquefied Natural Gas
LOA Length Over All
LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas
LPS Local Port Service
LR Lioyds Register
LRIT Long Range Identification and Tracking
LT Local Time
Lt Light
Lt F Light Float
Lt Ho Light House
Lt V Light Vessel
LW Low Water


MAREP Mariner Reporting System
MARPOL International Conventionfor the Prevention of Pollutionfrom Ships
mb millibar
MBM Multi Buoy Mooring
MCA Maritime and Coastguard Agency
MCTS Marine Communications and Trafic Services Centre
MF Medium Frequency
MGN Marine Guidance Note
MHz Megahertz
MHHW Mean Higher High Water
MHLW Mean Higher Low Water
MHW Mean High Water (Mittleres Hochwasser)
MHWN Mean High Water Neaps (Mittleres Nipphochwasser)
MHWS Mean High Water Springs (Mittleres Springhochwasser)
MLHW Mean Lower High Water
MLLW Mean Lower Low Water
MLW Mean Low Water (Mittleres Niedrigwasser)
MLWN Mean Low Water Neaps (Mittleres Nippniedrigwasser)
MLWS Mean Low Water Springs (Mittleres Springniedrigwasser)
MMSI Maritime Mobile Service Identify
Mo Morse Code
MoU Memorandum of Understanding
MRCC Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre
MRSC Maritime Rescue Sub-Centre
MSI Maritime Safety Information
MSL Mean Sea Level
MSN Merchant Shipping Notice
MV Motor Vessel
MW Megawatt
MY Motor Yacht


N north (northerly, northward, northern, northernmost)
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
Navtex Navigational Telex System
NBDP Narrow-Band Direct-Printing
NDZ No Discharge Zone
NE North-East
NGA National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
NMOC National Maritime Operations Centre
NNE North-North-East
NNW North-North-West
No Number
NOAA National Ocenic and Atmospheric Administration
NOR Notice Of Readiness
nt net tonnage
NW North-West


OBO Oil Bulk Ore
OBQ On Board Quantity
Oc Occulting (Unterbroches Feuer)
Occas Occasional (Zeitweise)
OCIMF Oil Companies International Maritime Forum
ODAS Ocean Data Acquisition System (Ozeanographisches Datenerfassungssystem)
OPL Off Port Limits
OREI Offshore Renewable Energy Installations
OTF Optimum Transmitting Frequency


PEC Pilotage Exemption Certificate
PEL Port Entry Light
PFSO Port Facility Security Officer
PLEM Pipe Line End Manifold
PMSC Port Marine Safety Code
POP Persons On Board
POL Petrol, Oil & Lubricants
POR Pacifik Ocean Region
PSSA Particularly Sensitive Sea Area
PTTI Precise Time and Time Interval
PV Pilot Vessel
PWC Personal Watercraft


Q Quick (Funkelfeuer)
QHM Queen's Harbour Master


RCC Rescue Co-ordination Centre
Rear Lt Oberfeuer
RMS Royal Mail Ship
RN Royal Navy
RoRo Roll-on, Roll-off
RT Radio Telephony
RTTY Radio Teletype
Rx Receiver


S south (southerly, southward, southern, southernmost)
SALM Single Anchor Leg Mooring system
SALS Single Anchor Leg Storage system
SAR Search and Rescue
Satnav Satellite navigation
SBM Single Buoy Mooring
SBP Shore Based Pilotage
SBT Segregated Ballast Tanks
SCAC Standard Carrier Alpha Code
SE South-East
SEN Ship Entry Notice
SHA Statutory Harbour Authority
SITOR Simplex Telex Over Radio
SMA Seasonal Management Area
SOLAS Safety Of Life at Sea
SPM Single Point Mooring
sq square
SRR Search and Rescue Region
SRS Ship Reporting System
SS Steamship
SSB Single SideBand
SSCC Ship Sanitation Control Certificate
SSCEC Ship Sanitation Control Exemption Certificate
SSE South-South-East
SS(Firing) Firing practice signal station (Schießübungssignalstelle)
SS(Lock) Lock signal station (Schleusensignalstelle)
SS(Tide) Tidal signal station (Wasserstandssignalstelle)
SS(Traffic) Traffic signal station (Verkehrssignalstelle)
SSW South-South-West
STL Submerged Turret Loading
Stn Station
STS Ship To Ship
SW South-West
SWATH Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull Ship
SWL Safe Working Load


Tel Telephone
teu twenty foot equivalent unit
TLX Telex
TOR Telex Over Radio
Tr Tower
TRITON Triangle Trans-Ocean Buoy Network
TSS Traffic Separation Scheme
Tx Transmitter, Transmission


UHF Ultra High Frequency
UKC Under-Keel Clearance
UKHO UK Hydrographic Office
ULCC Ultra Large Crude Carrier
UQ Ultra Quick flashing
UT Universal Time
UTC Co-ordinated Universal Time
UTM Universal Transverse Mercator (Transversale Mercatorprojektion)


V-AIS Virtual Automatic Identification System
VDR Voyage Data Recorder
VHF Very High Frequency
VLCC Very Large Crude Carrier
VLF Very Low Frequency
VMRS Vessel Movement Reporting System
VSAT Very Small Aperture Terminal
VTC Vessel Traffic Centre
VTIS Vessel Traffic Information Service
VTM Vessel Traffic Management
VTMS Vessel Traffic Management System
VTMIS Vessel Traffic Management and Informations System
VTS Vessel Traffic System


W west (westerly, westward, western, westernmost)
WGS World Geodetic System
WMO World Meterorological Orgenization
WNW West-North-West
WSDs Waterways and Shipping Directorates
WSW West-South-West
WT Radio (Wireless) Telegraphy
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